179 W Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark, DE 19713.

Case Study: Information Technology


  • Produce user guides, knowledge articles, eLearning modules, and update evergreen articles without using too much employee time
  • Need writers who understand data privacy protocols
  • Require team members who can use MadCap Flare with little or no training


  • Embed IDT writers into client’s team; learn how they operate and write
  • Use our “on demand” system of providing writers as needed, allowing client to avoid cost of hiring full-time writers
  • Create team to create eLearning modules for self-led interactive training and instructor-led courses


  • Reduce costs by hiring IDT writers and designers for specific projects; needs are completely dependent on the client’s timeline
  • Work with IDT team who is familiar with MadCap Flare and other platforms
  • Reduce stress by knowing IDT team is knowledgeable about their products and protocols

A leading data privacy platform

Industry: Data Security

Project Type:
Insructional Design

  • Decreased costs by 20% using IDT’s team to create documen-tation so in-house employees could continue their normal work

“Our ongoing engagement with the IDT team did not require a long-term comittment was crucial to finish-ing projects on-time and on-budget. Their “bank of hours” approach meant we only paid for work that was actually done.”

Director of Learning and Development